31 March 2009

coming clean :: day one hundred fourteen

Workouts: lunch @ gym (0.5 mile jog + stretch + 1.13 miles elliptical) and evening @ pool (4,300 SCY)

I didn't realize this was a 4000+ yards workout until I got home and recalculated everything. Oops!

Coming Clean:

face: Tea Tree and Charcoal Natural Complexion by
Country Heart Gifts

body: Vegan
Wino by Long Winter Farm

You can add this bar to the ever-growing list of Long Winter Farm's beautifully sudsy soaps! Her descriptions are hilarious, too!

"I used Shiraz to activate the lye in this one (I'm not a drinker, so it didn't phase me!), then scented it with berry wine fragrance oil and colored it with mica. I dusted the top with mica too, so it's all shimmery. Great gift for tasters and vineyard hoppers, not so great for your pastor or auntie in AA."

Naughty Points: 2 scoops of
Ciao Bella blackberry Cabernet sorbet

Q: What better way to end the evening after bathing in red wine?
A: More red wine!

30 March 2009

coming clean :: day one hundred thirteen

Workout: lunch @ gym (0.5 miles jog + l-o-n-g-s-t-r-e-t-c-h + 110 crunches)

Let the tapering officially begin! I'm not changing my swimming schedule, though. I hope
Hal Higdon is okay with that!

Coming Clean:

Carrot Facial by Body Language Soaps

body: Sea Glass by
Lily Pond Soaps

These soaps were first reviewed on Coming Clean -
Day 57 and Day 44, respectively.

Naughty Points: 6
Baby Cakes sugar-free orange vanilla marshmallows

I'm a-d-d-i-c-t-e-d to these things! That was the last of 'em... for now
:: wink ::

coming clean :: week sixteen

My target weight loss is 20 ~ 25 lbs. (approx. 9 ~ 11 kgs.) by May 2009. But à la 'The Biggest Loser', instead of going by overall weight lost, I'll be posting it as percentage of body weight lost. The results are... :: drum roll please ::
target % weight loss : 13.16% ~ 16.45%
weeks one ~ twelve: 5.32%
week thirteen % weight loss: 1.05%
week fourteen % weight loss: 0.35%
week fifteen % weight loss: 1.42%
week sixteen % weight loss: -0.72%
total % weight loss: 7.42%

Well, I can't say I'm surprised. I went on a bit of a 'naughty points' binge on the day before weigh-in! :: guilty ::

At my Week 12 weigh-in, I decided to move Week 7 of my training program down to the week before the race. And that's where we are now with 'vanilla cupcake' stars across the board! I also gave myself a 'red velvet' star for the 8 mile run I wasn't able to do last week.

Here we are, at the last week of training! Can you believe it?!! :: happy dance ::

P.S. My scale actually looks like that, only it's not digital and it didn't cost me 80 clams. Some times, you can find nifty things at Target!

29 March 2009

coming clean :: day one hundred twelve

Workouts: afternoon @ tennis and evening @ pool (3,550 SCM)

Rain stopped just in time for courts to dry. A bit windy, but otherwise a beautiful spring day for Aussie doubles!

Coming Clean:

face: Luxurious Clean Cotton-Scented Charcoal Facial by
A Breath of French Air

hair: Vegan Original Citrus Blast Salty Dawg Creme Shampoo & Intense Hair Conditioner by
Gudonya Soap and Spa

body: Vegan Revitalizing Rosemary and Lavender by
Anderson Soap Company

These soaps and hair products were first reviewed on Coming Clean -
Day 7, Day 16 and Day 41, respectively.

Naughty Points: 1 scoop of
The Dairy Godmother grapefruit sorbet

To further feed my need of Vitamin C!
:: wink ::

flavor of the day :: Pinback

Pinback - Good to Sea

Mull over a cuppa!

28 March 2009

coming clean :: day one hundred eleven

Workout: morning @ outdoor jog (7.2 miles jog + 0.7 mile walk)

Last long run before the race next week! It was a cold and dreary day, but the light mist was kinda nice. I knew a waterproofed iPod would come in handy :: wink :: I thought I'd be a glob of lactic acid from last night's "race against the clock"
swim session, but felt fine for the most part. Was hoping for 8 miles, but right Achilles started tightening up around mile 6 so cut the run short and stretched instead.

Coming Clean:

face: Luxurious Clean Cotton-Scented Charcoal Facial by

Goat's Milk Gardener's Soap with Cranberry and Strawberry Seeds by KBShimmer

These soaps were first reviewed on Coming Clean -
Day 7 and Day 13, respectively.

Naughty Points: 0.5
Baby Cakes BooHoo Baby (Lemon) Cupcake + an unmentionable amount of Baby Cakes sugar-free orange vanilla marshmallows

As I mentioned yesterday, I've been on this mysterious citrus kick lately. The half-gallon of OJ I bought yesterday is already half-gone! And when you're craving citrus, there's no way you can resist a cupcake description like this!

"Do you love lemon? How about a lemon cupcake with real lemon juice added for the extra pucker we all love, then smother it with addictive and wicked yummy lemon buttercream frosting? If you say yes, then grab a spoon and pucker up baby."

27 March 2009

coming clean :: day one hundred ten

Workouts: lunch @ gym (2.6 miles jog + stretch) and evening @ pool (3,300 SCY)

Coming Clean:

Tea Tree Honey with Lemon Peel by Inseine Creations Bath & Candle Company

raved about Inseine Creations and their fantastic soaps several times in the past. Here's another glowing review to add to the list! This is the creamiest bar of complexion soap e-v-e-r! Yes, it still smells like tea tree oil, but the lemon peel granules provide a nice distraction. It suds a light, buttercup yellow, but does not stain your sink / bathtub.

body: Citrus and Coriander Whipped Parfait Foaming Scrub by
Sweet and Tranquil

Naughty Points: 0.5
Baby Cakes BooHoo Baby (Lemon) Cupcake

I've been on this mysterious citrus kick lately. My body must be telling me that I need more Vitamin C, so I'll feed it more Vitamin C
:: wink ::

26 March 2009

coming clean :: day one hundred nine

Workout: lunch @ gym (2.5 miles jog + stretch)

Coming Clean:
face: Pink Kaolin Clay by
Country Heart Gifts
Rhubarb Al Fresco by Rachel Rene Bath & Body

These soaps were first reviewed on Coming Clean -
Day 1 and Day 4, respectively.

Naughty Points: 6
BabyCakes Online Bakery sugar-free orange vanilla marshmallows

BabyCakes can tint them lavender, pink, green or yellow for Easter. Mine arrived lavender!

flavor of the day :: Dispatch

Dispatch - The General

Mull over a cuppa!

25 March 2009

coming clean :: day one hundred eight

Workout: lunch @ gym (2 miles jog + stretch)

I've been pulling 15 hour work days this week, so this was all I could manage.
:: pant ::

Coming Clean:

face: Vegan Complexion Zen by
Bunny Butt Apothecary

body: Carrot & Spinach & Cocoa by

These soaps were first reviewed on Coming Clean - Day 14 and Day 64, respectively.

Naughty Points: 1
Best Buns Bread Company lemon mini bundt cake

24 March 2009

coming clean :: day one hundred seven

Workouts: lunch @ gym (jog + stretch + 240 crunches) and evening @ pool (4,000 SCY)

As soon as I got home from work, I scarfed down a cupcake and crawled into bed for a power nap... half-hoping I would win against
Coach Sujekebe. Obviously, I didn't. :: weak ::

For my main set, I did the ladder set from the
Chlorine Addicted bi-weekly 1000. :: phew ::

Coming Clean:

face: Buttermilk Baby by

body: Erica by Jadewicks Home Goodness

These soaps were first reviewed on Coming Clean - Day 22 and Day 77, respectively.

Naughty Points: 1
Best Buns Bread Company lemon cupcake

I was really excited to try Best Buns' cupcakes. I'm a huge fan of their
carrot mini bundt cakes and breads, but their lemon cupcake -- at least the one I had -- was a bit of a disappointment. The edge of the cupcake top was so hard that the entire rim had all but separated itself from the rest of the cake. Which, ironically, made it very easy to break off and throw away. Because the cupcake had been over-baked, the paper was also a challenge to get off. There's nothing more frustrating than that :: wink :: The cake itself was okay. A tad on the clumpy side, but the taste wasn't bad enough to dismiss the cupcake altogether.

Nevertheless, I ♥ Best Buns and their friendly employees! But call ahead. Selection can be quite limited if you walk in minutes before closing!

23 March 2009

coming clean :: day one hundred six

Workout: lunch @ gym (0.5 miles jog + stretch + 1.5 miles elliptical)

The plan was to get at least two miles of jogging in during lunch, but my right shin was a little tender. I'd rather play it safe than not be able to run again for another week!

Coming Clean:

face: Luxurious Clean Cotton-Scented Charcoal Facial by

body: French Kiss by

These soaps were first reviewed on Coming Clean -
Day 7 and Day 69, respectively.

Naughty Points: 2 packets of salt and vinegar

Anyone know where I can get these stateside? Quaker Oats has rice cakes, but they need to be salt and vinegar! :: starting to panic ::

coming clean :: week fifteen

My target weight loss is 20 ~ 25 lbs. (approx. 9 ~ 11 kgs.) by May 2009. But à la 'The Biggest Loser', instead of going by overall weight lost, I'll be posting it as percentage of body weight lost. The results are... :: drum roll please ::

target % weight loss : 13.16% ~ 16.45%
weeks one ~ twelve: 5.32%
week thirteen % weight loss: 1.05%
week fourteen % weight loss: 0.35%
week fifteen % weight loss: 1.42%
total % weight loss: 8.14%

This was an unexpected surprise! For one, I had been nursing shin splints all week. And two, I was on a 'naughty points' binge for most of the week! This doesn't mean I hadn't been exercising. But by laying off jogging and scarfing down one 'naughty point' after another, I thought that I wouldn't be posting a positive % weight loss. It might've had something to do with the luck 'o the Irish. Or, in my case, the not-Irish :: wink ::

With the exception of the 5+ miles I did
yesterday, my owwie shin splints kept me from doing any running this week. :: sniff ::

P.S. My scale actually looks like that, only it's not digital and it didn't cost me 80 clams. Some times, you can find nifty things at

flavor of the day :: Peter Schilling

Peter Schilling - The Different Story

Mull over a cuppa!

22 March 2009

coming clean :: day one hundred five

Workouts: afternoon @ outdoor jog (5.73 miles) + evening @ pool (3,450 SCM)

Perfect weather for my first jog in a week! I felt great (probably because my body was in 'induced taper' mode) and my shins weren't bothering me, but I held back on pace and distance. I think I'm ready to start running again!

I had about an hour of down-time between my run and swim practice and *barely* made it through the workout. :: phew ::

Coming Clean:

face: Carrot Facial by
Body Language Soaps

hair: Vegan Original Citrus Blast Salty Dawg Creme Shampoo & Intense Hair Conditioner by
Gudonya Soap and Spa

body: Vegan '
The Garden' by Kelle's Kitchen

From the moment I got my soaps in the mail, I knew we were off to a good start. There were cute little shamrocks drawn on the fragrant parcel, and my order came was a lovely, hand-written note. The soap itself -- in its beautiful packaging -- smells wonderful. It is definitely a blend of sweet and fruity!

What drew me to Kelle's Kitchen is the obvious love she has for her soap-making business. Each soap in her shop comes with a little story:

"The Story of The Garden: When brainstorming soap ideas I wanted to create something for my dad, and the first thing that came to mind was his awesome vegetable garden in our backyard. He grew a little bit of everything from corn and rhubarb to tomatoes and pumpkins. Enough to keep our family full of vegetables through the summer and fall! This bar is made in honor of that wonderful garden, which is still producing wonderful vegetables to this day :)"

Naughty Points: 1
The Dairy Godmother lemon marshmallow

It was the size of a bar of soap, but hey, it was *just* one! :: snicker ::

21 March 2009

coming clean :: day one hundred four

Workout: afternoon @ swim meet (~2500 SCM)

Total distance is approximate, and includes warm-up, 3 events, warm-down.

Coming Clean:

face: Tea Tree and Charcoal Natural Complexion by
Country Heart Gifts

body: Java Jolt by
Inseine Creations

These soaps were first reviewed on Coming Clean -
Day 51 and Day 9, respectively.

Naughty Points: 0.5
Busboys & Poets banana bread pudding with coconut ice cream

20 March 2009

coming clean :: day one hundred three

intended: evening @ outdoor jog (3 miles)
actual: evening @ the 9:30 Club

There is nothing better in the world than scoring tix to a sold-out concert approx. 10 minutes before you change into your running clothes! :: happy dance ::

Naughty Points: ZERO!

flavor of the day :: Bishop Allen

Bishop Allen - Things Are What You Make

Mull over a cuppa!

19 March 2009

coming clean :: day one hundred two

Workouts: lunch @ gym (0.5 miles jog + stretch + 2.25 elliptical) and evening @ pool (3,100 SCY)

Gym was crowded! Can you say
MARCH MADNESS?!! Didn't have my regular running shoes with me, so I jumped on the elliptical instead.

Coming Clean:

face: Carrot Facial by
Body Language Soaps

hair: Wild Strawberry Fields Salty Dawg Creme Shampoo & Intense Hair Conditioner by
Gudonya Soap and Spa

body: Vegan Raspberry Exfoliating with Raspberry Seeds by
The Soap Buffet

These soaps were first reviewed on Coming Clean -
Day 57, Day 15 and Day 8, respectively. And, how funny, I unintentionally used the same combination on Day 57!

Naughty Points: more (but a few less than
yesterday) Betty Mae Bakery spiral cookies

18 March 2009

coming clean :: day one hundred one

intended: evening @ outdoor jog
actual: morning @ acupuncture session

I guess my shins get another day off! :: happy dance ::

Naughty Points: an unmentionable amount of Betty Mae Bakery spiral cookies

I told ya they'd be back! :: wink ::

flavor of the day :: Hungry Lucy

Hungry Lucy - Her Song

Mull over a cuppa!

17 March 2009

coming clean :: day one hundred

Workouts: lunch @ gym (0.5 mile jog + stretch + upper-body weights + stretch + 210 crunches + mini-Pilates session + stretch) and evening @ pool (3,975 SCY)

Legs felt loads better after all of that stretching! I think I'll be ready to start running again tomorrow.

Coming Clean:

face: Buttermilk Baby by

body: Crisp Apple Whipped Parfait Foaming Soap by
Sweet and Tranquil

These soaps were first reviewed on Coming Clean - Day 22 and Day 72, respectively.

Naughty Points: ZERO!

kiss me, i'm not irish!

16 March 2009

coming clean :: day ninety-nine

Workout: lunch @ gym (0.5 mile jog + l-o-n-g-s-t-r-e-t-c-h + 5.4 miles bike)

My hamstrings are a little tight from
yesterday's fun run, but otherwise, am doing okay. I think swimming really helped to stretch everything out more than I would've on my own. Legs tightened up after biking, though, and jogging (because it was too cold to walk) to/from getting lunch was rough.

Coming Clean:

face: Vegan Complexion Zen by
Bunny Butt Apothecary

body: Breathe Easy by
Inseine Creations

These soaps were first reviewed on Coming Clean -
Day 14 and Day 45, respectively.

Naughty Points: 2 Baked & Wired strawberry cupcakes

I know, I know... :: hangs head in shame ::

coming clean :: week fourteen

My target weight loss is 20 ~ 25 lbs. (approx. 9 ~ 11 kgs.) by May 2009. But à la 'The Biggest Loser', instead of going by overall weight lost, I'll be posting it as percentage of body weight lost. The results are... :: drum roll please ::

target % weight loss : 13.16% ~ 16.45%
weeks one ~ twelve: 5.32%
week thirteen % weight loss: 1.05%
week fourteen % weight loss: 0.35%
total % weight loss: 6.72%

I'm okay with this small percentage because my weekly average weight was actually lower than it was at weigh-in. The less 'naughty points' you eat, the more weight you lose. What a novel concept! It only took me, what, fourteen weeks to figure it out?!!

Probs not the best thing to do, but I've been running with pretty bad shin splints. But they're being monitored by me and well taken care of by my team of acupuncturists. :: heh :: I promise to ease off of them once the race is over. That's just a few weeks away!

At my Week 12 weigh-in, I decided to move Week 7 of my training program down to the week before the race. I got one 'red velvet' star because the fun run happened to fall on a Sunday!

P.S. My scale actually looks like that, only it's not digital and it didn't cost me 80 clams. Some times, you can find nifty things at Target

15 March 2009

coming clean :: day ninety-eight

Workouts: morning @ outdoor road races (8k) + 2.1 miles jog and evening @ pool (3,225 SCM)

Hal Higdon
requested that I run 7 miles today. I had 2 miles left to do after the fun run. But I started going delirious -- legs were moving but head was in lala-land -- so walked very slowly up one of the hills. I was able to finish the rest of the 2 miles and eased on a 0.5 mile walk home.

Coming Clean:

face: Carrot Facial by
Body Language Soaps

body: Vegan Fresh Mango Sea Salt by Magic Hands Workshop

Magic Hands Workshop is right; "Salt bars are a wonderful change from ordinary soap". The light scent teeters a bit on the girly-girl side -- more floral with hints of mango -- but it smells wonderful. This soap was the perfect moisturizing reward for my tired body! I ended up using it again after my dip in the pool because I loved the way it made my skin feel.

Naughty Points: 7
Betty Mae Bakery spiral cookies

sampled all three flavors -- strawberry, raspberry and Oregon marionberry -- a few times through, I'll have to say that the marionberry cookies are my fav. You will definitely be seeing these 'naughty points' again!

In addition to the spiral cookies, Betty Mae Bakery offers
maple cinnamon cookies with almonds and ice cream sandwich cookies. Take advantage of the deeply-discounted sale that ends on the 21st!

14 March 2009

coming clean :: day ninety-seven

intended: outdoor jog + indoor sprint work + plyo
actual: zzzzzzz + zzzzzzz + zzzzzzz

When my alarm went off this morning, my shins screamed, "NO, WE CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" They've been bothering me for a few weeks now, so I decided to give them a break. A legitimate reason to sleep in!

They went to town on my shoulders and shins at my weekly acupuncture session. Both are feeling much better now. :: happy dance :: " No, no dancing!", say my shins.

Naughty Points: 1 Baked & Wired lemon with raspberry kisses cupcake

Do coconut shrimp count as a 'naughty point'? :: guilty ::

13 March 2009

coming clean :: day ninety-six

Workouts: lunch @ gym (1.5 miles jog) and evening @ pool (2,250 SCY)

Gawd awful sprint workout that ended by getting kicked out of the pool for a tour group. :: grrr ::

Coming Clean:

face: Pink Kaolin Clay by
Country Heart Gifts

body: Earthquake by

These soaps were first reviewed on Coming Clean - Day 1 and Day 20, respectively.

Naughty Points: 4 Betty Mae Bakery spiral cookies

These cookies arrived just in time for the weekend! I tried one of each flavor -- strawberry, raspberry and Oregon
marionberry -- and had a second strawberry one because she included a few extras. All of them were soft, just as I like them. The reusable container was a very nice touch!

In addition to the spiral cookies, Betty Mae Bakery offers maple cinnamon cookies with almonds and ice cream sandwich cookies. Take advantage of the deeply-discounted sale that ends on the 21st!

12 March 2009

coming clean :: day ninety-five

Workouts: lunch @ gym (0.5 miles jog + stretch + upper-body weights + 120 crunches) and evening @ outdoor jog (2.88 miles)

I was hoping to knock out most of my scheduled 3 miles during lunch, but alas, it wasn't meant to be. I think I need to start making a check-list. (Today I had to go back for my top!) Felt weak lifting and doing crunches. That's what I get for avoiding them for weeks :: guilty ::

I was under-dressed -- long-sleeve, tights, thin gloves -- for my evening jog. It was a little windy, and I sure could've used a hat!

Coming Clean:

face: Luxurious Clean Cotton-Scented Charcoal Facial by

hair: Vegan Original Citrus Blast Salty Dawg Creme Shampoo & Intense Hair Conditioner by Gudonya Soap and Spa

body: Apple Mint by
My Birch

These soaps and hair products were first reviewed on Coming Clean - Day 7, Day 16 and
Day 3, respectively.

Naughty Points: ZERO!

The cookie dough squares go unscathed for yet another day! :: yah ::

flavor of the day :: Cut Copy

Cut Copy - Far Away

Mull over a cuppa!

11 March 2009

coming clean :: day ninety-four

Workouts: lunch @ gym (0.5 mile jog + stretch + 7.2 mile bike) and evening @ pool (4,350 SCY)

My shins and right knee are still wobbly from
Monday, so I hopped on the bike during lunch.

When I got to the pool, I realized I had forgotten my iPod and watch. I was quickly distracted by the age-groupers swimming right next to me. Poor things were doing a fly workout and in the middle of a round of 200 fly kick with hands at their sides. :: eek ::

My left big toe was bothering me during my stroke drills, so I decided to bag the IM sets I had planned on doing and did more free instead. I ended up doing the
Chlorine Addicted bi-weekly set twice through, then used my expanded lungs to do some controlled sprint work. Meaning, instead of intentionally sprinting (which I was too tired to do at this point), I swam them using the same relaxed stroke as I was for the hypoxic set. I ended up swimming a few secs faster than usual!

I haven't swum this long and fast ever. Three cheers for hypoxic breathing! :: tired but happy dance ::

Coming Clean:

face: Tea Tree and Charcoal Natural Complexion by
Country Heart Gifts

body: Calm Me Lavender Bath Soak by Soap Rehab

I'm not a huge fan of baths, because (a) I can't stand being in hot water for more than a few minutes at a time, (b) I can't figure out whether I'm supposed to shower first, hop out and wait until the tub fills up or soak and then shower, and (c) I feel guilty using up all of that hot water. Which means it's a rare occasion that I buy and use bath products. But I guess
Coach Sujekebe knew I needed it! :: wink ::

Soap Rehab's bath soak is "fizzy like a bath bomb, has dead sea salts like bath salts, and is moisturizing like bath oils. It's 3 products in one!" I sprinkled about one-fourth of the 4 oz. container into my tub and walked away for a brief moment, so I missed out on the fizzies. But I noticed almost immediately how moisturizing this product was. Very nice!

"Bring on the calm, block out the noise, and give your body a moment to recoup."

Listen to the wise words of Soap Rehab! Do not turn up your TV on American Idol and watch the elimination round with your eyes closed!

Naughty Points: ZERO!

But I'm pretty sure that this'll be the last day those cookie dough squares go uneaten!

flavor of the day :: The Happy Bullets

The Happy Bullets - The Vice and Virtue Ministry

Mull over a cuppa!

10 March 2009

coming clean :: day ninety-three

'Big Al'
Handmade by Angela

intended: evening @ pool
actual: r-e-s-t

My right knee and leg has been a little wobbly from running a total of 7.25 miles
yesterday. Better to rest instead of over-exert. Plus, I was dead-tired from having to wake up an hour earlier than normal.

Naughty Points: a scoop of Strawberry Balsamico sorbet

I was able to resist the cookie dough squares I spied in my freezer, but I'm out of sorbet now. :: uh-oh ::

flavor of the day :: Ida Corr

Ida Corr vs. Fedde Le Grand - Let Me Think About It

Mull over a cuppa!

09 March 2009

coming clean :: day ninety-two

Workouts: lunch @ gym (1.25 miles jog + stretch + 0.6 miles jog) and evening @ outdoor jog (5.37 miles)

When I got home, I honestly didn't think I'd be going back out for a jog. I wanted to stick to my
training program, but my shins were still bothering me from earlier in the day (see random lunch workout). So I'm not quite sure where the 5+ miles came from. It's my longest run to date! Was it the beautiful sunset? All of the friendly people walking their dogs?

From a physical standpoint, though, I probs should've stopped when (a) my nose wanted a tissue, (b) my hands wanted gloves and (c) my shins wanted ice. I can be such a hard-head some times...!

Coming Clean:

: Vegan Complexion Zen by Bunny Butt Apothecary

: WildFire by KB Shimmer

Since 'Coming Clean'
started back in December of last year, I've tried a few KB Shimmer soaps. This is actually my second bar of WildFire. I shared the first bar with a friend during the holidays, and had to have a bar for myself. I mean, look at how beautiful it is! The swirls, the colors... breathtaking!

"Heat, Lava, Fire, Energy flows through this soap. A firestorm, a wildfire that comes alive with the scent of citrus in your shower. Grapefruit, Lemon and Lime, with hits of orange, and a slight floral note blend to awaken your senses and start your day with a burst of citrus energy!"

Oh, and in case you were wondering, of course it does its soapy job. It lathers very light orange bubbles, but did not stain my tub. 7+ miles worth of sweat s-w-i-r-l-e-d right down the drain!

Naughty Points: a handful of
mut dua

coming clean :: week thirteen

My target weight loss is 20 ~ 25 lbs. (approx. 9 ~ 11 kgs.) by May 2009. But à la 'The Biggest Loser', instead of going by overall weight lost, I'll be posting it as percentage of body weight lost. The results are... :: drum roll please ::

target % weight loss : 13.16% ~ 16.45%
weeks one ~ twelve: 5.32%
week thirteen % weight loss: 1.05%
total % weight loss: 6.37%

I was conscious about my 'naughty points' and jogged a few more times this week. The race is less than a month away!

training for the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler has become a bit chaotic. I haven't been doing the long runs in one go; I've broken them up into two shorter runs. I know it's not recommended, and I will do my best to get one in this week.

P.S. My scale actually looks like that, only it's not digital and it didn't cost me 80 clams. Some times, you can find nifty things at

08 March 2009

coming clean :: day ninety-one

Workout: evening @ pool (3,400 SCM)

I was on fire! Missed part of warm-up because I had to run a quick errand @ REI. Didn't realize until afterwards that those PowerBar gummy thingys I chomped on whilst driving to the pool might've been the reason why I ended up leading the lane :P

Coming Clean:

face: Carrot Facial by Body Language Soaps

body: Vegan Mineral Salt Spa by

These soaps were first reviewed on Coming Clean - Day 57 and
Day 18, respectively.

Naughty Points
: eer... um...

Let's just say that I finished up the rest of the honey lavender cookies and cardamon marshmallows... Then, decided that wasn't enough, and had a scoop of Strawberry Balsamico sorbet! :: guilty ::

07 March 2009

coming clean :: day ninety

Workouts: morning @ outdoor jog + indoor track sprint work (2.5 miles) & plyo & outdoor jog (3.36 miles)

My first plyo class in two weeks. I was a hot, sweaty mess! :: phew ::

I had to get a total of 6 miles in somehow. I wanted to run immediately after plyo, but didn't have my watch on me. By the time I went home to get it, I *really* didn't want to run. I knew I had to, though. Gots to earn my weekly acupuncture!

Coming Clean:

Pink Kaolin Clay by Country Heart Gifts

"Rainbow Brite" by Sunbasilgarden Soaps

These soaps were first reviewed on Coming Clean -
Day 1 and Day 40, respectively.

Naughty Points: 2 Dairy Godmother frozen treats

I have a confession to make: I wanted more homemade marshmallows. So I drove to Del Ray after my weekly acupuncture session, only to find that they were out! Ah, no matter, this place is full of treats!

While I was there, I treated myself to a little frozen custard with sour cherries. And, since we were having such beautiful weather, I also stocked up on two pints of sorbet. I dug in to the Blackberry Merlot before the night was over. :: divine ::

As for those marshmallows... now I have an excuse to go back for them... right? :: wink ::

06 March 2009

coming clean :: day eighty-nine

Workouts: lunch @ outdoor jog (1.25 miles) + evening @ pool (2,825 SCY)

This is the pathetic result of my attempt to run outside during my lunch break for the first time ever. I had to go back to work TWICE because I kept forgetting things! I'll be better-prepared next week.

Sprint workout -- woot! I swam with a watch again, but it was soooo distracting. How do y'all do it? I might invest in an underwater slate so I can at least remember my splits.

Coming Clean:

face: Luxurious Clean Cotton-Scented Charcoal Facial by
A Breath of French Air

hair: Wild Strawberry Fields Salty Dawg Creme Shampoo & Intense Hair Conditioner by
Gudonya Soap and Spa

"Ugly Duckling" by Anita's Sweet Treat Your Body

These soaps and hair products were first reviewed on Coming Clean -
Day 7, Day 15 and Day 60, respectively.

Naughty Points: six

It was a little warm for chai, but someone had to eat those
cardamon marshmallows!

"so, how do i look?"

I'm not a fan of the TV show, but I've always wanted to say that :: wink ::

I added LinkedWithin to my blog earlier today. It shows up at the end of the most recent post, as well as any individual page you view on this blog. What do you think? Like it? Hate it? Don't care?

Yes, I know a poll would be much easier to handle this sort of thing. But I've already exceeded my daily technological allowance! :: hee ::

05 March 2009

coming clean :: day eighty-eight

Workout: lunch @ gym (2.25 miles jog + stretch)

Hal Higdon didn't
say to divvy up the mileage like this, but I can't run more than 2.50 miles at a time on a treadmill without going crazy. I hope to start running outside during lunch starting next week. Weather, please cooperate. Thank you.

Coming Clean

Carrot Facial by Body Language Soaps

Just Plain Shaving Soap with Aloe by Inseine Creations

These soaps were first reviewed on Coming Clean -
Day 57 and Day 59, respectively.

Naughty Points: ZERO

I thought about 'naughty points' all night, but didn't give in!
:: pat on the pack ::

coming clean :: weeks one through twelve

Since I'm doing this 'Coming Clean' thang à la 'The Biggest Loser' and posting my weight loss as a percentage, I might as well follow the length of their program, too. So, here we are, at the end of Week 12.

In a nutshell, I was doing pretty well for the first four weeks. Then I went on vacay for two weeks (and didn't weigh myself but logged in as zero). I struggled a bit trying to get back on-track, finally got my act together, then took a dip in the wrong direction the final week.

What have we learned, boys and girls? Honestly, not much. I'm still consuming 'naughty points' without a care in the world. Well, I do care... just maybe not enough? While the number of trips I usually make to local bakeries and cafes have decreased, the number of times I've clicked 'purchase' online has increased astronomically. Okay, that's exaggerating. But with the exception of my five-day 'naughty points' fast, I haven't gone more than a day without consuming a 'naughty point'! Can you say "lack of self-control"?!!

Despite all this, there is one good thing that has come out of all this. I've stuck to Hal Higdon's 15k Training Guide for Novice Runners and survived my first winter of running! I was actually quite surprised at how easily I could talk myself into running outdoors. I'll even go as far as saying that there is something really magical about running outdoors this time of year. Even if you step in a puddle of melting snow and it seeps through your shoes and socks and numbs your foot one toe at a time.

I made a colorful chart of all of the exercise I've done over the past twelve weeks. Isn't it purty?

As you can see from the dark purple line, my total weekly mileage has been all over the place! I hope that it evens out a little more next cycle. Yes, there is going to be a next cycle! In fact, it has already begun!

My running mileage will go up (or, at least it should) over the next few weeks. I'll probably take a few days off after the big race in early April, then ease back into things. Is 10 miles a week a far-fetched goal?

I'll be swimming pretty hard until mid-April, then start tapering for a big meet at the end of April. I don't expect any spectacular swims. I'm just being realistic. I took six months off, and can't expect to be back at where I was this time last year. But I will continue swimming through the summer. Fingers crossed that I'll stay healthy enough do be able to do that!

Lastly, I know that the 1,200 calories a day diet that my doctor highly recommended is impossible for me. Really. I can't seem to shake my "exercise to eat more" mentality, but I could definitely eat less on a daily basis. Let's compare notes again in twelve weeks. Until then...!

04 March 2009

coming clean :: day eighty-seven

Workouts: lunch @ gym (2.25 miles jog + stretch) + evening @ gym (2.25 miles jog + stretch + 1000m erg + 0.25 miles walk)

Since I haven't been jumping off at 0.5 miles to stretch, I've cut my warm-up from 0.5 to 0.25 miles. After that, I gradually pick up the pace based on how I'm feeling that day.

Any rowers out there? As infrequent as it may be, I'd love to follow some sort of rowing workout!

Coming Clean:

face: Vegan
'Complexion Zen' by Bunny Butt Apothecary

body: Sparkling Berry by
Alchemic Muse

I love Alchemic Muse's modernly simplistic packaging for their beautiful soaps, as well as their enticing item descriptions:

"Submerge yourself in berry bliss! An enticing mix of succulent berries and creamy and rich vanilla combined with sparkling ruby red grapefruit. Rich in vitamin C, strawberries contain skin soothing properties and is a wonderful toner to reduce the appearance of large pores. Yogurt soothes, softens and rejuvenates the skin while providing this soap with a luxurious, creamy lather. We added a touch of red clay for color."

Later this month, Alchemic Muse is introducing a bunch of new soaps -- Banana Orchid, Mango Grove, Honey Balsam, Kama Sutra, Primeval, Berry Cream!

Naughty Points: 1
Baby Cakes "Orange You Sweet" truffle
+ 3
Whimsy & Spice cardamon marshmallows

I had an amazing workout the last time I had one of these
truffles. I seem to have unintentionally forgotten to record it on Coming Clean - Day 64... :: oops ::

I tucked the marshmallows away for an especially cold day so I could enjoy them with some homemade Nepali chia*. Today was the day! I went easy on the cardamon and let the marshmallows do their thang. :: dreamy ::

* No, that isn't a typo. It's chia, not chai. Seriously, though, if you're gonna splurge and treat yourself to some homemade marshmallows, treat yourself to some homemade chai. It's worth the effort!