27 January 2009

coming clean :: day fifty-one :: one & two


Workouts: lunch @ treadmill (2 miles) and evening @ pool (3,000 SCY)

Hal Higdon
told me to run 2 miles today, so that's what I did. As for the swim, well... When I got home, I fought Coach Sujekebe for forty minutes and lost! But my right calf cramped up in three different locations, so I cut my workout short.

I don't think I'm in good enough shape to be pulling doubles... yet. I'm feeling really tight from my knees up to my waist. I think I over-did it (3 sets of 10 with 10 lbs. weights) with the walking lunges yesterday. We'll see if I make it to my 6a plyo class tomorrow!

Coming Clean:

Tea Tree and Charcoal Complexion by countryheartgifts

body: Vegan Revitalizing Rosemary & Lavender by Anderson Soap Company

Naughty Points: 1
Baked & Wired strawberry cupcake

It had been sitting in my fridge since Saturday; I had to eat it!


Mannie of MannieMandible said...

Walking lunges with weights are great for your legs and so easy to do!! I love following your progress! You are inspiring me to get in shape again!

oriental banana said...

Mannie, did you really say "easy to do"?!! I may be on a roll now, but it took me a long time to want to get back into shape. Jump back in the water! Then I'll have an e-lanemate :)

Anonymous said...

I'm right there with you on the fitness train, trying to get ready for an 8K at the end of March!