04 February 2009

coming clean :: day fifty-nine


intended: evening @ pool, home in time for American Idol

actual: yap yap yap, evening @ pool, yap yap yap, home in time for the last five minutes of American Idol (3,400 SCY)

The pool was surprisingly empty. There was a boys' diving competition going on in the deep end. Lots of excited parents with pom poms! Having forgotten my iPod (which meant I wouldn't be fiddling with the earbuds during my workout) and an entire lane to myself, I decided to do a stroke-heavy workout. My main set was:

4 x 100 IM
1 x 100 free
3 x 100 IM
2 x 100 fr
2 x 100 IM
3 x 100 free
1 x 100 IM
4 x 100 free

It's a relatively painless way to crank out 2,000 SCY. I made the mistake of setting easy-to-read intervals (1:45 for IM, 1:30 for free), the 100 free intervals 10 seconds faster than usual. It got painful towards the end, but I didn't give up! :: happy dance ::

Coming Clean:

face: Luxurious Clean Cotton-Scented Charcoal Facial by

Just Plain Shaving Soap with Aloe by Inseine Creations

Inseine Creations included this soap with my latest order, and I thought it would be perfect for my winter itchies. In addition to not having to re-lather at the halfway point, it had a nice, natural scent of aloe and left my skin itchy-less!
"This soap is made from scratch with skin-soothing oils and is full of naturally-occurring glycerin, which draws moisture to your skin. Bentonite clay helps the razor glide effortlessly across your skin. Aloe vera contributes to a thick lather. No fragrance or color has been added, making it great for super-sensitive skin."
Just in time for Valentine's Day, Inseine Creations offers complete shaving kits, too!

Naughty Points: 1 Whole Foods slice of cherry pie

I know, I shouldn't have. I needed a cheer-me-up for missing most of AI...!
:: wink ::


Mannie of MannieMandible said...

Great workout! I'll have to keep that in mind next time I get in the pool! I used to swim 200IM, 100Breast, 200Free, and relays in meets (: I went to the Junior Olympics for the IM, breast, back, and free!!

oriental banana said...

Mannie is a swimming machine! I give you a thumbs up for the 200 IM, 100 breast and relays, but 200 free?!!