Coming Clean:
face: Tea Tree Honey with Lemon Peel by Inseine Creations Bath & Candle Company
I've raved about Inseine Creations and their fantastic soaps several times in the past. Here's another glowing review to add to the list! This is the creamiest bar of complexion soap e-v-e-r! Yes, it still smells like tea tree oil, but the lemon peel granules provide a nice distraction. It suds a light, buttercup yellow, but does not stain your sink / bathtub.
body: Citrus and Coriander Whipped Parfait Foaming Scrub by Sweet and Tranquil
Naughty Points: 0.5 Baby Cakes BooHoo Baby (Lemon) Cupcake
I've been on this mysterious citrus kick lately. My body must be telling me that I need more Vitamin C, so I'll feed it more Vitamin C :: wink ::
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