Last long run before the race next week! It was a cold and dreary day, but the light mist was kinda nice. I knew a waterproofed iPod would come in handy :: wink :: I thought I'd be a glob of lactic acid from last night's "race against the clock" swim session, but felt fine for the most part. Was hoping for 8 miles, but right Achilles started tightening up around mile 6 so cut the run short and stretched instead.
Coming Clean:
face: Luxurious Clean Cotton-Scented Charcoal Facial by aBreathofFrenchAir
body: Goat's Milk Gardener's Soap with Cranberry and Strawberry Seeds by KBShimmer
These soaps were first reviewed on Coming Clean - Day 7 and Day 13, respectively.

As I mentioned yesterday, I've been on this mysterious citrus kick lately. The half-gallon of OJ I bought yesterday is already half-gone! And when you're craving citrus, there's no way you can resist a cupcake description like this!
"Do you love lemon? How about a lemon cupcake with real lemon juice added for the extra pucker we all love, then smother it with addictive and wicked yummy lemon buttercream frosting? If you say yes, then grab a spoon and pucker up baby."
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