12 February 2009

coming clean :: day sixty-seven

Workouts: lunch @ gym (2 miles jog + 1.8 miles bike) + evening @ pool (3,600 SCY)

Hal Higdon
told me to run two miles and strengthen today. Since I just did some weights yesterday, I decided to jump on the bike for the rest of my lunch hour... which never works out to be a full hour :: sniff ::

I flaked out on swimming
last night, so I squeezed in a workout before 'the Office'... which has been a little "off" these past few episodes, no?

Coming Clean:

Tea Tree and Charcoal Complexion by countryheartgifts

Buttermilk Baby by Oliba

These soaps were first reviewed on Coming Clean -
Day 51 and Day 22, respectively.

Naughty Points: 4
Babycakes homemade vanilla orange marshmallows