18 February 2009

coming clean :: day seventy-three

Workout: lunch @ gym (2 miles jog) + stretch

Hal Higdon
told me to run 2 miles today, but I just wasn't in the mood. My abs still hurt from yesterday's Pilates mini-session, and then my iPod shuffle konked out. I ended up setting the dreadmill for a little faster than usual and got it over with asap.

Coming Clean:

Carrot Facial by Body Language Soaps

Yuzu by Rachel Rene Bath & Body

All of the Rachel Rene soaps I've
used and reviewed so far smell divine. Yuzu is no exception. The brightly-colored bar was the perfect pick-me-up I needed after today's workout!

While its scent is closer to fresh grapefruits, any fan of citrusy scents will fall in love with this soap. It's
also chock-full of olive oil, so you won't have to re-lather in the middle of your 'coming clean'!

Naughty Points: ZzEeRrOo

It hasn't been easy...!

1 Comment:

jodi french paper arts said...

call me crazy, but that citrus kind of scent makes me not hungry. That scent would also be a great pick-up refresher after working out. I run outside and have to wear sunscreen. Nothing worse than getting out of the shower and still smelling sunscreen on my skin. Yuck.