10 February 2009

coming clean :: day sixty-five

Workout: evening @ pool (3,800 SCY)

I ran into an old teammate at the pool. This guy is a distance swimmer through-and-through, and when you swim with him, you will never miss an interval. I told him I was gonna have an easy night, but somehow got talked into doing an entire workout with him!

Coming Clean:

Carrot Facial by Body Language Soaps

hair: Vegan Original Citrus Blast Salty Dawg Creme Shampoo & Intense Hair Conditioner by

Citrus and Coriander Whipped Parfait Foaming Scrub by Sweet and Tranquil

Last night was a "veggie kind of night". Tonight was a "citrus kind of night"!

Sweet and Tranquil suggests "[j]ust a little bit of Whipped Parfait is all you need for lot of creamy bubbles." I used less than a marble-sized amount, and it bubbled up as soon as I started working it into my scrubbie. So much so that I didn't have to re-lather! The crushed apricot shells work as a gentle exfoliant, but the scrub leaves your body smooth and completely moisturized. This stuff is n-i-c-e! I felt citrusized as I emerged from the shower!

Naughty Points: an unmentionable amount of Babycakes handmade vanilla orange marshmallows

These things are too good to give up!


Mannie of MannieMandible said...

YAY for a swim buddy workout (:

Anne-Marie said...

Mmmm. This sounds like my type of scrub! I love anything with citrusy notes! P.S. Hope you had a fabulous workout!