Workout: morning @ ocean swim (2000 m)
We swam in a reef-enclosed portion of the beach, and it felt like 'the Attack of the Killer Stand-Up Paddle Boarders'. Can't wait to get out in *real* open-water for a looooong swim tomorrow!
I haven't gone jogging in a week! I'll dust off my running shoes and take them out for a spin later. :: pinky promise ::
We swam in a reef-enclosed portion of the beach, and it felt like 'the Attack of the Killer Stand-Up Paddle Boarders'. Can't wait to get out in *real* open-water for a looooong swim tomorrow!
I haven't gone jogging in a week! I'll dust off my running shoes and take them out for a spin later. :: pinky promise ::

face: Luxurious Clean Cotton-Scented Charcoal Facial by aBreathofFrenchAir
body: Vegan Revitalizing Rosemary & Lavender by Anderson Soap Company
I usually don't go for herbal scents, so I'm pretty sure watching 'Top Chef' had something to do with this purchase. Go Radhika & Hosea!
It was kinda nice to scrub with lavender and emerge out of the steamy shower with hints of rosemary and spearmint. I suspect I'd go well with a bottle of cab :: hee ::
Naughty Points: ZERO... so far
I'm going out to dinner, though, so I'm sure this will go up to at least one!
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