target % weight loss : 13.16% ~ 16.45%
week one % weight loss: 2.30%
week two % weight loss: 0%
week three % weight loss: 0.67%
week four % weight loss: 2.03%
week five % weight loss: [on vacay - recorded as 0%]
week six % weight loss: [on vacay - recorded as 0%]
week seven % weight loss: -1.04%
week eight % weight loss: -0.34%
total % weight loss: 3.63%
week one % weight loss: 2.30%
week two % weight loss: 0%
week three % weight loss: 0.67%
week four % weight loss: 2.03%
week five % weight loss: [on vacay - recorded as 0%]
week six % weight loss: [on vacay - recorded as 0%]
week seven % weight loss: -1.04%
week eight % weight loss: -0.34%
total % weight loss: 3.63%
Oopsies... I'm going in the wrong direction, aren't I? Weight-wise, I've been pretty consistent this past week. But 'naughty points'-wise, I've been off the charts!
As for my Cherry Blossom 10 Miler training program progress, I got a little behind a few days (see 'red velvet cupcake' stars) but got all of the workouts done. Hopefully you'll see a lot more 'vanilla cupcake' stars in the weeks to come. I've already switched Saturdays and Sundays workouts, and might have to do the same with Mondays and Tuesdays ones. But I will get them done!

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