Pens, tees, post-its... Stocking up has always been a bad habit of mine. "You just never know when you're gonna need it in another color!"
I first spotted this dress on Old Navy's website, but couldn't decide which color combo to get. Could I rock 'Purple Drama' at work? Would 'Black' be too boring?
I first spotted this dress on Old Navy's website, but couldn't decide which color combo to get. Could I rock 'Purple Drama' at work? Would 'Black' be too boring?
Up until a few weeks ago, I had never been on DSW's website. What could their website have that their ginormous stores didn't? How about these perfectly matching shoes?!!

The shoes arrived earlier today! But I knew I couldn't keep both. So I skipped my evening workout to decide...
The winning 'outfit' will be revealed "after the commercial break"!
The winning 'outfit' will be revealed "after the commercial break"!
Love those dresses and shoes! I am partial to the black. My mom was like that, when she found a shirt, shoes, etc. that she like she would buy one in every color.
don't you just love when something like that works out! Can't wait to see the winner!
Though both are very cute, I vote for the purple. It is more daring! But you can't go wrong with either one, great dresses.
art by mar, thanks! i like wearing black, too. your mom sounds like she knew what she was doing ;)
yup, i got lucky, hobocamp crafts!
yes, start to street supplies, the purple definitely has more spunk!
I think my favorite is the black and white, it's a classic!
ooo I heart those dresses!!
thanks, dj and paper girl productions! they're on sale now... dddrrrrr :P
Purple is my favorite..
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